发布日期:2024-12-14 05:04 点击次数:93
Chinese women are radically altering their faces to look whiter and more 'Western' online CREDIT: QUARTZ
Chinese girls were taking selfies way before the West had even heard of them – and probably even before the word ‘selfie’ had been invented in English. 在西方国度的东谈主们还没别传“自拍”这个词的时代,中国女孩就一经启动玩自拍了,致使在还不存在“自拍”(selfie)这个单词的时代就一经启动了。
And so, while the world embraces the selfie revolution – young Chinese women are again one step ahead, editing their pictures in a way the rest of us can only imagine. 之后,当寰宇启动“自拍翻新”的时代——中国年青女性又起先一步,用咱们只可靠想像的样式,启动剪辑她们的自拍照。
We're not talking about adding a few flattering filters on Instagram here. The augmentation of facial features – using phone apps such as Meitu Xiu Xiu – is becoming so widespread and powerful in China that it’s become fashionable to say online that they work better than plastic surgery. 这里所说的图片剪辑不单是在Instagram上添加一些排场的滤镜那么有时。挽回面部特征——使用手狡诈欺方法,如好意思图秀秀——在中国变得如斯的渊博和有影响力,网上哄传这比整形手术还管用。
These hugely successful, homegrown photo editing apps specifically target two distinct psychologies of Chinese women: the unabashed posting of selfies (often a whole series of close-up pictures with different expressions) and the desire to look whiter than they really are. 这些极其得胜的国产相片措置诈欺成心针对中国女性的两大显然的神志特征:一是不错运用自若地晒自拍(浮浅是一系列的特写相片,唯有色调不同);二是但愿我方看起来比实质更肤白貌好意思。
Such apps play to Chinese women’s fantasies of achieving a ‘Westernised’ aesthetic - whiter skin and bigger eyes. 这类诈欺也使中国女性杀青了她们所追求的“洋化”的审好意思不雅——皮肤白净、大眼睛。
Photo enhancements are nothing new, of course and Photoshop has been readily available for a long time. But simple-to-use photo-editing apps, which create the same effect as Photoshop on your phone, are a relatively new invention. 天然,好意思化相片并不是什么新本领,Photoshop这么的图片措置软件咱们一经使用了很久。相对而言,操作有时、功能与Photoshop相同的手狡诈欺软件却是一个新发明。
In China at least, the phenomenon has become an integral part of the online culture. Most of my female friends edit their faces before posting pictures on social media – it’s a must-do, ingrained step. 至少在中国,这种征象一经成为集结文化的一个必不成少的构成部分。我的大无数女性一又友在酬酢媒体发布相片之前一定会先好意思化这些相片,这一经成为发相片的“必经之路”,成为一个树大根深的习尚。
This is more than a digital ‘touch up’ – the likes of which are growing more popular in the Western world, too. Such apps play to Chinese women’s fantasies of achieving a more refined––or more ‘Westernised’––aesthetic that specifically lies in having a more streamlined facial contour, whiter skin and bigger eyes. 这一经不单是是数码“润色”,这在西方国度也渐渐盛行起来了。此类诈欺软件匡助中国女性“杀青”了她们对良好姿首的追求——或者说是更“洋化”的好意思貌——有更流线型的面部概括、白净的皮肤和大眼睛。
Natural is the exact opposite of what many Chinese women want (posed by models) CREDIT: EPA
Meitu Xiu Xiu, the leading app of its kind in the Chinese market, is phenomenally successful, According to its official website, Meitu has over 500 million users and is installed on over 900 million mobile devices worldwide. 好意思图秀秀,是中国好意思图类诈欺市集中起先的诈欺软件,此款诈欺取得了极大的得胜。把柄其官网数据,好意思图秀秀的用户向上5亿,全球向上9亿用户装配了这款诈欺。
The ‘refine and whiten’ button is by far the most popular function, since having white skin in itself is a standard of beauty in China. 一键“磨皮好意思白”是目下最受接待的功能,因为皮肤白在中国事好意思的门径之一。
Famous Chinese women are driving the trend. The best-known actress in China, Fan Bingbing, has publicly declared Meitu her favourite app and often posts photos of her snow-white skin. 一些中国知名的女性也在鼓舞这个潮水。中国最驰名的明星范冰冰,就曾公开称好意思图秀秀是她最可爱的诈欺,也通常在网上发她肌肤白净的相片。
In recent weeks, a $1,000 'selfie camera' has also been flying off the shelves, as it make users look like they've had plastic surgery. The Casio's official name is Exilim TR, but it’s mostly known as ”zipai shenqi” in China, which means ”Godly tool for selfies.” 最近几周,一款价值约1000好意思元的“自拍相机”也被抢购,因为这款相机拍出来的相片能让用户看起来像是她们作念过整形手术。这款卡西欧自拍相机的官方称呼是Exilim TR,它在中国被称为“自拍神器”,道理是神奇的自拍器具。
Indeed, the hot plastic surgery trend in China and Korea in recent years has been ‘jawline thinning’ – where women try to reduce their ‘bigger faces’ to resemble those of Western women. This ‘shaving’ involves cutting into the jaw and trimming off some of the bone. The result is a more sculpted face and a more triangular chin that resembles the supposed “pixie” look of Western faces. 事实上,连年来在中国和韩国的整形手术中,“削尖下巴”颠倒热点——女性们但愿我方的“大脸”不错像西方女性那样立体良好。这里所说的“削”需要切削下颌,以及削骨。其效力即是一张更有型的尖下巴“瓜子脸”,与东谈主们印象中的西法“小精灵”面庞相同。
But if you can’t afford surgery, these new apps let you ‘suck in’ your face with the subtle slide of a finger.但淌若你包袱不起整形手术,那么这些新兴的诈欺软件只需你动脱手指就不错让我方的脸部放松,领有良好的概括。
One charmer asked me why I used such “life like photos” rather than edited pictures. 有东谈主问我为什么更可爱用“糊口照”,而不是好意思化过的相片。
Chinese women are afraid to look natural online (posed by model) CREDIT: QUARTZ
“Brightening my skin and making my face thinner is normally all I do on Meitu”, says my attractive friend Leah Zhang. Although she does admit to having gone much further in modifying her features - and having toned it down after one boyfriend told her that her pictures looked nothing like her. 我的一位漂亮的一又友张莉(音)说,“我一般用好意思图秀秀‘好意思肤瘦脸’。”关系词她承认我方对相片改造很大,自从她的一个男一又友告诉她,她的相片与她本东谈主相去甚远之后,她对相片的好意思化就没那么夸张了。
I’ve experienced the opposite problem. All this extreme digital photo editing is leading to unrealistic expectations as to what Chinese women actually look like in real life. 而我却资历过相悖的问题。通盘的这些好意思化相片导致全球关于中国女性在本质糊口中的面貌有了不切实质的盼望。
A guy I met on a dating app told me he was shocked when he first saw me as I was “much better looking” than my photos suggested. “You look really dark in your photos”, he said, “and your face looks round.” 我在交友诈欺上碰到的一个东谈主告诉我说,当他第一次见到我时,他感到很战栗,因为我本东谈主比我的相片更排场。“相片上你看起来真黑,”他说,“而况你的脸在相片上看起来是圆的。”
Another charmer asked me why I used such “life like photos” rather than edited pictures. 又有另一个东谈主问我为什么用这么的“糊口照”而不是好意思化过的相片。
“Nowadays, men are so used to seeing faces of girls on social media where the skin has been whitened, features softened and jaws thinned down, so that anything unfiltered looks strangely under par,” 27-year-old graphic designer Xiaolin told me. 27岁的平面策画师小林告诉我,“当今,男性王人习尚于在酬酢媒体上看到一经‘磨皮好意思白、脸部特征更轻柔、尖下巴’的女生的相片。是以,任何未经措置的相片反而让东谈主看起来以为奇怪。”
My 24-year-old friend Zhao Siyuan tells me that plenty of her male friends have been deceived in online dating with a little help from Meitu. A few were apparently so appalled by the difference in their date's face that they “just directly turned around and walked away”. 我24岁的一又友赵想源(音)告诉我,她的许多男性一又友在网上交友时被糊弄了,就因为好意思图秀秀的“少量点匡助”。有一部分在碰面的那一刻,对鸠合对象的边幅是如斯的战栗以至于他们“追溯就走”了。
A couple of months ago I too gave into the pressure downloaded Meitu Xiuxiu, partly because I was curious. Now I’m addicted - because it's so easy to change the way you look, and because, no matter where you are from, a bit of “brightening” is never a bad thing. 几个月前,我也下载了好意思图秀秀,部分原因是因为我很有趣。当今,我尽然“上瘾”了,因为它确实不错吩咐“改变”你的姿首。而况,不管你来自何方,“白少量”总不是什么赖事。
I can just tap to erase blemishes on my face – meaning my lazy morning routine doesn’t impact my online persona. My jawline, as much as I don’t want to admit it, is quickly streamlined with a quick ‘sucking’. It’s a lot of fun. 我不错点击抹掉我脸上的症结——这意味着即使我每天清早再懒,也不会影响我在网上的形象。诚然我不想承认,但我的下巴轻轻少量击就飞速“变尖”了。这是一个很道理的经由。
Photoshopping your face with an app is just that – fun - and isn’t harmful in most cases. 用一款诈欺好意思化你的相片是如斯地道理——在大部分情况下,亦然无害的。
But, in China, it’s increasingly redefining standards of beauty. Chinese women are moving away from their natural selves and I can't help but feel this 'fun' is rapidly turning into an even greater pressure to conform, and look a certain way.可是,在中国,好意思的门径束缚被再行界说。中国女性正渐渐远隔最本确实自我,这使我不禁以为这种“道理”正在飞速转酿成一种坚定的得当潮水、以及以一定的样式去看待周围的压力。
The gap between reality and our online lives is widening as we sit on our phones playing plastic surgeon - and it can't be long before Western women join in. 咱们的本质和集结糊口之间的差距正在束缚扩大,因为在手机上,咱们王人是一位整形外科大夫——敬佩毋庸过多久,西方女性也将加入这个行列。
Hongkongdoll sexselfie:自拍,自拍照plastic surgery:整形,整形手术
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